GreenStar Natural Foods Market

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For over 45 years, GreenStar Natural Foods Market has provided shoppers with delicious, healthy, and affordable food while supporting local farmers and producers and giving back to the larger community. 

GreenStar’s three stores offer a wide array of fresh, natural, organic, conscientiously sourced, and local goods. Over a quarter of GreenStar’s sales are from products made or grown within 100 miles of Ithaca! GreenStar’s commitment to the local economy extends to its 240 employees, who are paid a living wage and offered a generous benefits package.

As a community-owned business, GreenStar isn’t accountable to private investors or distant shareholders — they answer instead to more than thirteen thousand owners and to a triple bottom line balancing economic, social, and environmental impact and results.

GreenStar is currently undertaking its biggest expansion yet, preparing to move its flagship West End store from the current Buffalo Street location to a renovated warehouse three blocks north on Cascadilla Street. With nearly three times the space, the Co-op anticipates a store featuring an expanded, more culturally diverse product line and better shopping experience for all, with the addition of over 40 new jobs. Find out more at

Nana Potenza